The Bronx, NYC

Some stats about the Bronx

  • The population of the Bronx is nearly 1.4 million (2007)
  • 53% of people in the Bronx are Spanish speaking
  • The median household income of the Bronx is $32k
  • The 2012 cost of living index in the Bronx is 526.8.  To put this in perspective, the US average is 100.
  • The average household size is 2.8.  
  • The elevation is 120 feet
  • The land area is 42 square miles
  • The population density is nearly 33,000 people per square mile!
  • 56% of those living in the Bronx claim religious affiliation.
  • Of those 56%, 78% are Catholic, 11% are Jewish, and 11% are "other".
How does the Bronx rate against other US Cities?
  • #2 on the list of "Top 100 cities with highest percentage of renters (pop. 50,000+)"
  • #5 on the list of "Top 100 cities with longest commuting times (pop. 50,000+)"
  • #18 on the list of "Top 100 cities with smallest houses (pop. 50,000+)"
  • #26 on the list of "Top 100 cities with highest ratio of median house value to median household income (pop. 50,000+)"
  • #31 on the list of "Top 100 cities with the largest percentage of females (pop. 50,000+)"
  • #49 on the list of "Top 100 least-educated cities (pop. 50,000+)"
  • #74 on the list of "Top 100 cities with strongest arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation and food services industries (pop. 50,000+)"
  • #93 on the list of "Top 100 cities with old houses but young residents (pop. 50,000+)"
  • #95 on the list of "Top 100 most racially diverse cities (pop. 50,000+)"

We are praying specifically about ministering in the Kingsbridge Neighborhood of the Bronx.  
  • Area: 0.369 square miles
  • Population: 21,381.  This translates into a population density of 58k people per square mile
  • Among all households, only 22% are married couple families and 11% are families with children.  20% of all households in Kingsbridge are single-mother households.
  • 43% of Kingsbridge residents are foreign-born.
Kingsbridge is the home of the old Kingsbridge Armory.  This vast facility has just recently been approved to be converted to an ice complex - the largest in the world.  It's renovation will likely draw a lot of additional traffic to the area.  Kingsbridge is also conveniently located near two major thoroughfares - the Grand Concourse and Fordham Road.  There is easy access via the subway.  Kingsbridge is also the home of Fordham University and Lehman College.

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