Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Baptist World Mission Friends

We have just left Wisconsin where we attended the Annual Meeting of Baptist World Mission.  This marks one year that our family has been with BWM!  Last year the meeting was in Alabama, and there we were approved by the board as missionaries serving with BWM.
This year we knew several of the missionaries we would see, and so we were looking forward to being with our mission board family again.  Elaine was particularly excited.  Here is why:

Last week in school we had to write a letter to a missionary.  That's a little challenging when you are the missionaries!  So we chose to write our letter to Gabrielle McKinley.  This began the excitement that in a couple of weeks we would get to meet Gabrielle in person.  The McKinley's are on deputation to go to Ireland.
All day on Monday Elaine asked constantly, "Where is Gabrielle?"  Finally, at dinner, we met up with the McKinley's.  Though Gabrielle is three years older, the girls formed a fast friendship, and a little "club."  We will likely not be together again until next October, but now Elaine has a face to put with a name for whom she has been praying.
Nolan also enjoying meeting Joel, and discovering that they both have cowboy boots.
It was nice for me (Andrea) to get to chat with Brandie again, too.  We laughed as we let our daughters (ages 4 and 7), take these pictures while the boys clamored to be included!


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